Thursday, September 13, 2007

Ramadan Begins.............

For knowledge purposes, I would like to share this as we are celebrating here the month of Ramadan. Ramadan is derived from the Arabic root word ramida or arramad intense scorching heat and dryness, especially the ground. From the same root there is ramdaa, sunbaked sand, and the famous proverb: "Kal Mustajeer minar Ramadaa binnar" - to jump out of the frying pan into the fire. And in a hadith the Messenger of Allah (saas) said : "The prayer of repenters is due when the young camel can feel the sun's heat early in the morning." Thus, the Ramadan is so called to indicate the heating sensation in the stomach as a result of thirst.

Ramadan is the 9th month of the Muslim Calendar. It is the most sacred month in the islamic calendar. The islamic calendar is a lunar calendar that moves back about 10 days every year, which explains why there is a different date each year for the feast days of Eid-Ul-Fitr. It is an important event in the islamic faith because fasting is a reminder to each muslim that during this month the Quran was revealed to their prophet Mohammed. People of the muslim faith not only refrain from eating or even drinking water from sunrise to sunset but also from using any impure language or showing any anger. Special prayers and reflection are common as the faithful strive to improve themselves spiritually and to develop compassion for those less fortunate.

Fasting for them is to give the ability to rise above great pain and see calmness and peace in any situation. By fasting they focus on sentiments that promote harmony. Fasting promotes them to find inner strength and eliminate hatred.

We hope the effect of fasting to linger longer than ramadan time for the world to have peace (smiles)

Monday, September 10, 2007

Asian Link

We had the other night the Indonesian Independence Day. It was quite a crowded gathering mainly with diplomats. I was apprenhensive to see 2 filipinos only in that gathering. Meet friends and acquaintances. I know I can be mistaken as Thai, Malaysian or Indonesian. But I know by heart, it's not simply by features, being asian myself. I know for a fact that I can be with any nationality and still be able to make the most of each gathering. They are all friendly, used to go around their circles. An extra effort on my side to take a habit of learning a few words of each of the asian countries we had been. It sounds funny to be saying words in another language but it seems my tongue has found home to each malay language. Not much to carry a long conversation but good enough to break the ice of a new meeting (he he). Here are a few of the asian togetherness I am part of. I truly enjoy their company. Sharing with you as well the fashion show of "The east mingles with the west" a showcase of different traditional saris mixed with western clothes. Missed the first part as we were in a reception but somehow enjoy what I was able to capture

Thank You Carlots

Hi Friends,

Would like to share with you my new blog, beautifully created by Miss Carlots. I really appreciate this nice gift from her. She planned to offer me a surprise since she has been planning to create one for me. But here I am,I eventually requested her assistance and ended up being offered this marvellous creation. She did it all with talent and touch only her can do.

Thank you so much Carlots, will be so happy to work on this. Just browsing slowly to familiarize myself.

See you soon in the next issue.

Monday, September 3, 2007

The Black and White Ball in Dhaka

Black and White ball organized by ICDDR,B (International Care for Diarrhea, Bangladesh) is a fund raising ball for the global health research, international training, and free life-saving care for diarrheal patients in Dhaka. Over 450 elegant guests, gowned and tuxed in Black and White spilled out into the gardens between the pools on the cool evening for drinks and canapes with their friends before a 5 course dinner and a professional Trilogy fashion show. It was an amazing gathering of the diplomats, other expats and bangladeshi alike. Live Band played their best and dancing lasted up to 2:00am.

View the night' s event in Dhaka last March 9 at Radisson Hotel.

Cool Slideshows